Yoga Centre In Karnataka
Nisarga mane is The Best Yoga Centre In Karnataka. Yoga is a way of living that aim towards a healthy mind in a healthy body. It allows in achieving physical and mental well – being of a person. At physical level, the method comprise of various asanas that aim to keep the body healthy. At emotional or mental level, it comprises of pranayama or breathing technique and Dhyana or meditation to discipline the mind. The soul always knows what to do to heal itself. The challenge is to silence the mind, which is achieved through meditation. Meditation is used with an aim to reduce stress, anxiety, depression and to increase peace, perception, self-concept and well – being. Meditation is a process of training our mind to focus and redirect the thoughts. Meditation has numerous benefits on health. It reduces the depression and creates a positive outlook in life. It also helps in improving the memory of a person, which is helpful for a dementia patient. As defined by the WHO, health is nothing but an overall wellbeing of a person which includes both physical and mental health. Meditation becomes a key role in improving mental health. Nisarga mane has a wonderful yoga hall surrounded by nature which gives different experience for the sadhaka’s. Our expert yoga trainee guides our sadhaka’s to achieve a total health through yogic techniques.