General Cottage
Veda wellness centre, Nisarga mane ensures a comfortable stay for the sadhaka’s during their time of visit. General cottage at Veda wellness centre, Nisarga Mane has all the facilities needed for a comfortable stay. General cottage at Veda wellness centre, Nisarga mane accommodates 5 persons in a cottage which includes separate beds, television with digital cable to watch their favourite programs, intercom to communicate with staff, wi – fi facility to get connected with their family and world, 24*7 power supply and wardrobes with keys to place all their things. Daily newspaper is provided to the cottage. Room service is provided. Bathroom is well equipped with all the basic amenities.
- Wifi facility to get connected with the world and 24*7 power supply.
- Intercom facility to communicate with the staff.
- Daily newspaper is provided to the room and wardrobe facility.
- Bath room is well equipped with all the amenities.
24*7 Water Supply
24*7 Power Supply
Nisarga Mane